SearchInform Risk Monitor is an internal threat mitigation and insider risk protection solution,
that controls the maximum quantity of information channels as well as featuring
built-in analytical tools. The system conducts a real-time analysis,
identifying every ongoing event within a network and mitigating insider risk.
The software saves the data it obtains and allows users to restore details,
enabling retrospective investigation and providing access to the archive.
The system operates on two levels. It
keeps track of the data leaving the network while at the same time monitors
employee activities on computers. SearchInform Risk Monitor keeps an eye on the
company’s assets 24/7 even if the employees are outside the office (field work, WFH or while on
the business trip) but using corporate devices.
Risk Monitor aids companies in building a risk management program and a
solid insider threat management process, helping to foresee any prospective
internal corporate risks in advance via:
to the consequences of data leakage
fraud schemes (sabotage, embezzlement, theft, waste, and kickbacks)
the company against personnel risks and predicting employee behavior patterns
regulatory compliance issues
to increase staff productivity
loyalty management