A highly recommended productivity tool for any organization
TaskQue has been used by our marketing team for the last 1 year. We use it as a productivity tool for our daily tasks. We use it for assigning tasks in advance or for automatic assignment through the queue feature. We plan a content calendar and then assign tasks to writers according to their workload. Following are the business problems which TaskQue addresses:
- Task assignment.
- Focusing on relevant and top priority tasks.
- Managing project workloads.
- Managing task assignment to groups so that none of the resources within the group sits idle.
- Never miss anything important via notifications.
- A summary report which helps in planning and evaluating projects/users.
- Development of Workflows that reflect business flow which helps in seamless adoption of the application.
- Workload management.
- Auto task management.
- High customer retention.
- Optimized project and task deliveries.