HTML Editors

Best HTML Editors include:

Adobe Dreamweaver.

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Notepad++ is a popular free and open source text editor available under the GPL license, featuring syntax highlighting and folding, auto-complete, multi-document management, and ac customizable GUI.


Atom is a free and open source text editor offering a range of packages and themes.


NetBeans is a free and open source platform and integrated development environment (IDE).

SharePoint Designer (discontinued)

Microsoft's SharePoint Designer was a tool for developing SharePoint applications that has been discontinued.


Brackets is a free and open source text editor developed at Adobe under the MIT license, featuring inline editing, live preview, and a wide range of extensions.

Adobe Dreamweaver

Dreamweaver is a web development tool built for designing pages with HTML and CSS using template pages, text editing, and a what you see is what you get editor.

Hummingbird Page Optimizer

From WPMU DEV, Hummingbird Pro is used to improve Wordpress sites by optimizing, accelerating and improving page speed.

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The speed of a website directly affects the Google Page Experience score, and therefore Google rank. HTMeLd helps to improve upon this by scanning each page for external resources like images, style sheets, and scripts. Then it embeds these files directly in the HTML. This eliminates…

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Web-browser, advanced e-mail, newsgroup and feed client, IRC chat, and HTML editing in one application, from Mozilla.

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H5P is free open source technology for creating, sharing and reusing Interactive Content. H5P enables users to create, share and reuse HTML5 content and applications. Users can create rich and interactive web experiences more efficiently in a web browser and a web site with an H5P…

Learn More About HTML Editors

What are HTML Editors?

HTML editors are programs designed to help designers and developers write the HTML code that makes up the foundations of a website. Any text editor can be used for writing HTML, but HTML editors include specialized features such as live HTML previews, What you see is what you get (WYSIWYG) editors, and syntax highlighting.

HTML editors are largely split into two categories, textual editors that are built to make it easier to write code, and WYSIWYG editors designed to make it possible for designers with no HTML knowledge to create pages. Textual HTML editors designed to support practiced developers and HTML designers typically also support CSS and JavaScript.

HTML Editors Features & Capabilities

HTML editors offer a variety of features, depending on whether they are WYSIWYG editors or not, but some features commonly offered by HTML editors include the following:
  • Live HTML Preview

  • Syntax Highlighting

  • CSS and JavaScript Support

  • WYSIWYG Editor

  • Code AutoComplete

HTML Editor Comparison

When considering different HTML Editors, consider the following aspects of each product offering.
  1. Type of Editor: If you have designers who want granular control over their code, you should choose a textual editor, but if your designers have limited HTML experience, a WYSIWYG editor may be preferred.

  2. Scripting Needs: If you plan to only write HTML, you may want to choose a tools specifically specializing in HTML. Conversely, if you want to write JavaScript, or other scripting languages, you may want to choose an HTML editor that supports other languages as well.

  3. Integrations: Many HTML editors include integrations with other tools, such as version control software. Consider what integrations you need when purchasing an HTML editor so you can ensure you get one that offers them.

HTML Editor Pricing

Many HTML editors are available for free, while proprietary editors range in price depending on the features. Businesses should expect to pay at least $50 per year per user for a proprietary HTML tool. Additionally, many HTML editors are included in software packages at no additional charge.

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Frequently Asked Questions

If I have an IDE or text editor, do I need an HTML editor?

Almost all IDEs and text editors can support HTML code, so businesses that aren’t developing primarily in HTML may not need an editor specifically for HTML. Specialized HTML tools are ideal for designers that don’t need backend scripting support or who want to use a WYSIWYG editor.

Are there free or open source HTML editors?

There are a number of free and open source HTML editors that are largely feature complete. Proprietary HTML editors are still a good choice for businesses looking for specific features or editors usable for inexperienced developers.

Do WYSIWYG editors also support textual editing?

Most WYSIWYG editors offer support for textual editing, but they are generally focused on ease of use. As a result, WYSIWYG editors allow new developers more control over their code as they learn, but typically lack advanced features like support for scripting offered by dedicated textual editors.