Mobile Data Security Software

Best Mobile Data Security Software include:

Lookout, Symantec Endpoint Protection Mobile, Trellix Mobile Security, BETTER Mobile Threat Defense, Zimperium Mobile Threat Defense (MTD) and Check Point Harmony Mobile.

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Lookout, from the San Francisco-based company of the same name, is a platform offering mobile endpoint security.

Trend Micro Mobile Security for Enterprises

Trend Micro Mobile Security for Enterprises os a mobile device management (MDM) application, available standalone or part of the Trend Micro Smart Protection Suite.

Sophos Mobile

Sophos Mobile is a unified endpoint management option providing mobile data protection and security against mobile malware.

Symantec Endpoint Protection Mobile

Symantec Endpoint Protection Mobile (formerly Skycure) is a mobile security option developed by Skycure and acquired by Symantec in the summer of 2017.

BETTER Mobile Threat Defense

BETTER Mobile Threat Defense is a Mobile Threat Defense solution provider in New York that uses predictive AI technology to identify and stop mobile security threats without compromising end-user productivity or privacy. Better MTD’s predictive protection comes from its Deep Thinker…

Check Point Harmony Mobile

Check Point’s Harmony Mobile (formerly SandBlast Mobile) is an enterprise mobile security and mobile threat defense (MTD) solution, designed to make protecting businesses from advanced, fifth-generation cyber attacks easier. Harmony Mobile offers: Anti-Phishing with Zero-PhishingSafe…

Trellix Mobile Security

Trellix Mobile sits directly on mobile devices to provide always-on protection no matter how a device is connected—via a corporate network, public access point, or cellular carrier, and even offline. And its machine learning algorithms analyze device behavior deviations to uncover…

Secure.Systems, by SyncDog

SyncDog offers a FIPS 140-2 Certified, AES 256 bit encrypted, end-to-end mobile security solution. SyncDog protects and manages the device, detects and prevents malware/phishing and other intrusions, encrypts & isolates all the corporate or government data/files/apps that are…

9 App Management App Management (formerly Apperian) is an enterprise mobile app management (MAM), acquired by Arxan Technologies in January 2017 and now owned by, the company formed from the merger of Arxan with XebiaLabs and CollabNet VersionOne. it aims to simplify the management…

DataLock by ClevX

Founded in 2005, ClevX is a data security technology focused on the Security/Mobility markets where ClevX pioneered the DATALOCK® Secured USB drives (OS-agnostic, hardware encrypted, with keypad and secure-wireless user-authentication, bootable) and portable software applications…

The SafeGuard Cyber Security and Risk Management Platform

SafeGuard Cyber secures businesses by protecting the human attack vector from advanced social engineering and targeted threats and automates the full lifecycle of governance and compliance for digital communications. Its platform enables visibility, detection, and response to threats…

Data Theorem
0 reviews

Data Theorem headquartered in Palo Alto provides application security, with a mission to analyze and secure any modern application anytime, anywhere. The Data Theorem Analyzer Engine continuously scans APIs and mobile applications in search of security flaws and data privacy gaps,…

Verimatrix Application Shielding

Mobile apps that handle sensitive information are vulnerable to attack : Hacking can result in fraud, brand reputation damage, service outage, customer data leakage and destroyed trust. The Verimatrix software shielding suite provides automated software application protection tools…

0 reviews

Guardsquare offers mobile application security built on the open source ProGuard technology. Guardsquare’s software integrates across the development cycle from app security testing to code hardening to real-time visibility into the threat landscape, to provide enhanced mobile application…

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Pradeo in Paris offers their mobile threat security technology, that uses Artificial Intelligence to automatically ward off known, unknown and advanced mobile threats.

Absolute Ransomware Response

Absolute Ransomware Response enables organizations to assess their ransomware preparedness for endpoints, monitors their endpoint cyber hygiene across the entire device fleet and allows for an expedited endpoint recovery.

0 reviews

Wandera in San Francisco provides a mobile security solution for enterprises with their multi-level solution to protect users, endpoints, and corporate applications from evolving mobile threats.

Zimperium Mobile Threat Defense (MTD)

Zimperium in Dallas offers zIPS, a machine learning-based, on-device mobile security solution purpose built for enterprise organizations. Zimperium zIPS is an advanced mobile threat defense solution for enterprises, providing persistent, on-device protection to both corporate owned…

Learn More About Mobile Data Security Software

What is Mobile Data Security Software?

Mobile Data Security or Mobile Data Protection (MDP) Software offers a wide range of functions and protection policies to protect mobile platforms, particularly the data that lives on those mobile devices. These products are important for employees that use mobile devices for company business, and they’re crucial for deskless employees that utilize Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) policies. This situation is especially common in remote-first workforces. Mobile data security allows businesses to give employees these quality of life improvements without compromising their security posture.

Mobile data security software protects mobile devices from data loss or corruption, unauthorized access, and malware. Some services also protect the user from lost data should the physical device itself become lost, stolen, or corrupted and unusable, and offer cloud backup and data protection for this eventuality. They can also help ensure user privacy via built-in VPN capabilities and data encryption. Mobile data security software is most applicable to smartphone devices, but can also be used for laptops, notebooks, removable media, and even IoT devices in some cases. Some products will also specialize to specific devices, such as Android or iOS-based mobile devices.

Mobile Data Security Software Comparison

When comparing mobile data security products, consider these factors:

  • Point Solution or Endpoint Suite: Consider whether you need a specific solution just to secure mobile devices or if there are other classes of endpoints that need to be secured, such as servers, desktops, or complex IoT devices. A workforce that primarily relies on simple mobile devices like laptops and smartphones may only need a standalone solution, but many other organizations may benefit from a broader endpoint security solution.

  • Malware Protection vs. Data Loss Protection: Consider whether the organization is more concerned with external attacks on devices or data being internally leaked through mobile devices, intentionally or otherwise. Any robust mobile data security software will have capabilities for both, but some may have a stronger focus on one threat vector vs. the other.

  • Scalability: How easy will the software be to scale up over time? Consider factors like pricing per secure device, ease of use, and automated processes. Each of these will heavily impact whether the product is a viable solution in the long term.

Start a mobile data security solution comparison here

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is mobile data security?

Mobile data security ensures that mobile devices cannot be infiltrated, manipulated, or exploited by malicious actors. It focuses on protecting sensitive, valuable, or proprietary data stored on mobile devices.

What are the different types of mobile security?

Mobile data security can be achieved several ways. Endpoint protection tools can prevent device access in the first place, encryption can secure some or all of the data on a device, and access management agents can regulate who can interact with pieces of data on a mobile device.

What are the benefits of mobile data security software?

Mobile data security software allows professionals to use their mobile devices professionally, or for companies to issue work devices, without compromising the organization’s data held on said devices.

Who uses mobile data security software?

Mobile data security should be used by anyone who interacts with or retains client, company, or other sensitive data on their mobile devices.