SolarWinds Network Configuration Manager (NCM) Reviews
SolarWinds Network Configuration Manager (NCM)

SolarWinds Network Configuration Manager (NCM)Competitors and Alternatives

Most Commonly Comparedto SolarWinds Network Configuration Manager (NCM)

Best SolarWinds Network Configuration Manager (NCM) Alternatives for Small Businesses


Score 8.3 out of 10

Auvik Network Management is a vendor-agnostic cloud-based network monitoring and management solution providing automated network discovery. Auvik requires no service hardware or disruptive maintenance cycles and provides onboarding and training for new and existing users. Auvik delivers visibility and automation to reduce friction for IT teams and allow them to give end users the freedom to work wherever and however they like. Proactive service delivery: by automating network discovery in a…

Higher Rated Features

  • Network Performance Monitoring
  • Automated network device discovery
  • Network monitoring

Best SolarWinds Network Configuration Manager (NCM) Alternatives for Medium-sized Companies


Score 9.5 out of 10

PingPlotter is a graphical traceroute and ping tool that visualizes network performance in a way that makes identifying the source of problems quicker and easier for everyone from online gamers and video streamers to VoIP admins and IT pros. Features for remote deployment, network monitoring, scripting, and a web interface are included along with several additional capabilities.

Higher Rated Features

  • Network Performance Monitoring
  • Network monitoring
  • Alerts


Score 8.3 out of 10

Auvik Network Management is a vendor-agnostic cloud-based network monitoring and management solution providing automated network discovery. Auvik requires no service hardware or disruptive maintenance cycles and provides onboarding and training for new and existing users. Auvik delivers visibility and automation to reduce friction for IT teams and allow them to give end users the freedom to work wherever and however they like. Proactive service delivery: by automating network discovery in a…

Higher Rated Features

  • Network Performance Monitoring
  • Automated network device discovery
  • Network monitoring