Our contractors love it!
December 15, 2020

Our contractors love it!

Jo Brand | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 9 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with Adobe Sign

We are a small music festival in San Francisco and bring in outside performing artists and support staff for our annual festival. We use Adobe Sign for their contracts and their tax forms. Further, we use Adobe Sign to coordinate with staff at our parent organization so that they can sign off on things for us.
  • Once you have a form set up it's really easy to upload and reuse it.
  • It's very easy to send forms and to track progress.
  • Passwords can be applied to the PDF of the signed form, or to the ability to sign the form (or both).
  • PDFs of the signed form are automatically emailed to all parties.
  • The UI is very self evident and easy for people signing the forms. Our artists love it!
  • There is no way at a basic CC membership level to send a number of documents to one person and then to separate out the documents later. For instance, I can send a contract and W9 to an artist, but then there are support staff at our parent organization who really only need to receive the contract.
  • Because there is a social security number on the W9 we have to do additional steps to securely transmit the documents. This wouldn't be needed if we were able to send only the parts that were needed.
  • The functionality and user experience is different between Adobe Acrobat on a desktop and through documents.adobe.com. Forms created on desktop sometimes lose functionality when uploaded to the website. For instance buttons can stop working.
  • It has dramatically lowered down response time from contractors.
  • This in turn has made it much easier for us to do the paperwork needed to cut their checks.
  • We also use Adobe Sign with our parent organization to make sure that they can sign off on the checks.
  • Our contractors love it!
It hasn't always been easy to get answers to my questions. The support staff seems to have a very good basic knowledge but if there is a slightly more in-depth scenario (like using buttons or conditional fields) and a few people might have answers but most will not. When I was getting started with Adobe Sign it often took several tries to get answers to my questions.
It is extremely user friendly for people receiving the form.

When setting up the form it's easy to make mistakes and to assign a field to the wrong person. When I was starting out it often took me 4-5 tries before I got the form ready to send out. Even now I need to do really careful checks before sending a form out because I find it so easy to make mistakes.

Do you think Adobe Acrobat Sign delivers good value for the price?


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Did implementation of Adobe Acrobat Sign go as expected?


Would you buy Adobe Acrobat Sign again?


We already had Creative Cloud and so used this because it was already paid for. That being said, we've really valued it and would likely purchase it on its own if we had needed it.
Adobe Sign is very well suited for having people sign individual forms. The UI is really easy for people to figure out and in our experience it shortens response time dramatically.

It's not as well suited for forms that require conditional fields (though I might just not have figured that out) or for a collection of forms that you will want to later separate.