Great for Wedding Vendors!
Updated October 30, 2020

Great for Wedding Vendors!

Caitlyn Weathers | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 9 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with Adobe Sign

I use Adobe Sign as a way to send photography contracts to all of my clients. Most of these are wedding contracts, but I do also use it for session contracts and for contract amendments. Each time a client is ready to book with me, I can quickly prepare a form and send it out to them. It has streamlined my processes immensely. It also solves filing issues since I can always find a contract even when I'm not in my office. So, if I'm out during the day (since I work from home) I can pull up the app and look at a contract and keep a great level of professionalism and quick turnaround with clients. It has eliminated printing and scanning and stressing over ensuring I have duplicate copies, etc. when going through the signing process. It allows my clients to see that I have a good handle on my company and they feel better about having a professional in both a creative and business sense for their wedding photography.
  • Instant emails and confirmations are a huge plus for me. I know that something is sent or when it is signed. The emails let me know and I can immediately download and print the signed copy for my paper records.
  • Easy filling of forms helps keep me moving quickly. I can open a document I've created and Adobe Sign will go through and detect where there are spaces for form filling. This lets me work quickly by filling in the blanks or marking them for the signer.
  • Streamlined for my clients. They love the ease that they can click through and sign and initial the contract or fill in any sections that they have to add text too. This shows them a level of professionalism in a saturated market to let them feel confident in their choice of a high quality photographer.
  • Sometimes I get mixed up between preparing a document in Acrobat and sending it off for signature in Adobe Sign. I'm not sure where the disconnect is, but I'll prepare the form in Acrobat and once I click to send it, either more spaces will populate where I've already created text boxes, etc., or I won't be able to edit the ones I had created. This could be user error, but I do have some frustration with how to keep from duplicating text boxes or a form not letting me complete it when I'm into Adobe Sign before I send.
  • I invest in the Adobe Cloud for programs like Lightroom, Photoshop and Illustrator. This is a perk that came with the entire cloud when I first purchased it, so I get to use it at no "added" investment to my business. When it was time to renew, I decided against downgrading to the Photographer-only Adobe plan because I loved the benefits of these added smaller programs like Adobe Sign and others like Adobe Spark.
I haven't used any outside products. I researched a few last year when deciding if I'd continue on my Adobe Cloud program but ultimately chose to continue with Adobe Sign. Prior to this program, I did everything on paper or through emailing, printing, writing and scanning between myself and my clients. So, it's safe to say that Adobe Sign has been a great switch. Most of my clients are 30 and under and use the program with relative ease. If I have an older client who is not so tech-savvy I always worry about my heavy electronic use and how it will work for them but they've never had issue since it's such an easy-to-use program.
When working often with contracts and the need to keep track of a lot of different clients, Adobe Sign is really helpful. Early in my business when I didn't have a large number of clients and I did most everything in person, it would have been a more unnecessary luxury for me. Now that I do a lot of work online and my clients are reaching farther and farther and more regularly hire me from over an hour drive away and sometimes out of state, I've found it extremely helpful when I can't meet in person. I've even moved to doing all contracts through Adobe Sign, even if we are meeting in person.

Adobe Sign Experience

Using Adobe Sign

1 - I use adobe sign myself (I am a sole proprietor). I use it for all of my client contracts. Each of my clients completes a contract for their photography (particularly wedding photography). I offer contracts for other sessions but it's important for my wedding photography clients since there is such a weight to this type of event photography. This keeps everything in writing and easy for myself or my clients to refer back to.