My first time using AUTH0
January 28, 2021

My first time using AUTH0

Manuela Jacqueline Mercado Rodríguez | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 10 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Modules Used

  • Auth0 Platform

Overall Satisfaction with The Okta Identity Cloud

Auth0 was used for a project for managing the login, permissions, and security. We wanted an easy and secure way of implementing login with different accounts associated, like social networks. Auth0 facilitates this and more, with JWT Tokens and permissions the security grown more than 2 layers. It also provides a great interface (web page) to manage all users.
  • JWT Tokens
  • Roles
  • Types of users
  • Different ways to login or register
  • More customization of login page, how it looks.
  • Options to add more social networks on register.
  • Login URL
  • Saved development time.
  • Improved security.
  • Improved end-user experience.
Auth0 stacks up against the others because the project was a web application for end-users. Since we can't control how they could log in, or who they are, we should put an easy and secure for them to log in or register. Auth0 satisfied both characteristics and users are happy, without spending a lot of money or complicating log in.
Auth0 is well suited for doing login/register pages in an easy and secure way. If you don't want to waste a lot of time developing a login with JWT Tokens, decoders, encoders, and all the logic involved in that, use Auth0. It also manages very well user roles and permissions.

Okta Feature Ratings

ID-Management Access Control
ID Management Single-Sign On (SSO)
Multi-Factor Authentication
Password Management
Account Provisioning and De-provisioning
ID Risk Management

Configuring The Okta Identity Cloud

I think its configurability is right for the product. You can set roles, assign users to them, set API names, ways to log in/register, etc. You can configure security aspects and if you don't know them they have documentation for that. It is right because it depends on the application, how many layers of security do you want, etc.