HubSpot Improved Our Digital Marketing Strategies - Our Clients Love it
November 25, 2014

HubSpot Improved Our Digital Marketing Strategies - Our Clients Love it

Holly Lieberman | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 10 out of 10
Vetted Review

Software Version


Modules Used

  • Landing Pages, Blogging, Workflows, Lists, Reporting

Overall Satisfaction with HubSpot

AdVision Marketing is a full-service Inbound and Search Marketing agency. We utilize HubSpot in a variety of capacities for improving our client's online marketing performance. We use HubSpot and the Inbound methodology to increase web traffic, improve site performance, and track leads from traffic to sales. As the Search Account Manager at AdVision, I focus a great deal of my time in the traffic generation realm, and I have seen an incredible increase in performance once we started using HubSpot. At it's core, digital marketing all starts with the website. We realized that there's no reason for traffic generating activities, and the dollar signs that come with it, if the site doesn't convert. Ultimately HubSpot has helped us increase our clients' site wide conversion rates so well that they can spend less on PPC and focus less on that 1st ranking on Google. HubSpot really helps us craft a more holistic strategy for nurturing online traffic into revenue.
  • HubSpot helped us increase one of our clients site wide conversion rate from 3% to 12%.
  • We had a client who was spending $8000/month in AdWords before we started utilizing HubSpot for his site. Afterwards, his conversion rate was so strong, he was able to drop his cost to Google for paid traffic to $3000/month and garner more than triple the number of leads coming through his site.
  • I would love to see HubSpot sync with AdWords for conversion tracking, so that we can show lead > close ratios in AdWords to see which keywords generate the best revenue in lead gen businesses
  • We have had issues with template skinning in the past - we would like to see these completed in a more timely manner
  • The cost of the software can be a barrier for our ability to sell it in some cases
  • It helped us evaluate that some of our client's sales processes were inadequate. We hand them X qualified leads a month and nothing turns into revenue, we know that it must be an issue with the sales team and we can help them address it.
  • We helped one business grow from 3 to 13 people in a matter of 12 months by providing quality leads.
  • Increase one client's website conversion rate from 3% - 10%
We have looked around at a great deal of competitor vendors. We tried others like Hatchbuck and Sharp Spring, and HubSpot is clearly the easiest and best software out there.
We will renew not only for ourselves, but every one of our clients! HubSpot is an integral element of our marketing strategies.
We haven't tried using HubSpot for any of our ecommerce clients. It would be interesting to test!