Helping us reach our customers
Updated June 16, 2015

Helping us reach our customers

Anonymous | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 7 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Software Version


Modules Used

  • Email, Landin Page, Social Media, Reports

Overall Satisfaction with HubSpot

We use HubSpot for a majority of our online marketing needs (i.e. email, landing pages, social media). For us, HubSpot is great because it allows us to easily share information with other parts of the world. Our organization is international with offices in multiple countries, the UK can see what we are accomplishing in the US and follow our lead quite easily.
  • Help with building an efficient landing page.
  • Giving ideas and starting points for emails, landing pages or blog posts.
  • Guides us in the right direction of utilizing online content marketing to the greatest possibility
  • In the Social Inbox, it would be great if there was a feature to just see the new posts. It often takes quite a bit of time to scroll through the past months to see if someone has liked a previous post.
  • I would to see a way to make email design more user friendly so we can take the design of our emails to the next level.
  • Faster lead conversion - utilizing the landing pages allows us to turn right around and follow up with each lead.
  • Increase social presence - HubSpot easily allows us to post on all social media accounts and understand what is working and what isn't.
  • Increase in email open and click rates.
HubSpot seems to be a great tool to help manage online marketing content. I have been using the program for close to a year and I don't think I have found 90% of what HubSpot can actually do. It would be great to have more instructions on designing within each tool. While HubSpot has great tutorials, it would be great to see best practices in making an extremly beautiful email.

Using HubSpot

HubSpot accomplishes everything we need and with the recent updates to the program, we will be able to take our marketing to the next level. We have been working with HubSpot to truly integrate this program into marketing areas in order to reach and communicate better with our customers. HubSpot is great about taking the time to find a solution to help us accomplish our goals.