Making Marketing Work
Updated June 16, 2015

Making Marketing Work

Alisa Meredith | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 10 out of 10
Vetted Review

Software Version


Modules Used

  • blogging
  • social
  • workflows
  • lists
  • reporting

Overall Satisfaction with HubSpot

We use HubSpot for our own marketing and for our clients. It is being used by all of us here at OverGo. It is unsurpassed in reporting and tracking capability, and the campaigns tool makes improving marketing over time so much easier than anything else I've tried. We use it for creating websites, blogging, content offers, workflow. You name it - it's our platform.
  • Partner support - When you are a partner, HubSpot is completely invested in your success. The support they provide by way of personal attention and ongoing training is amazing.
  • Product support - I never hesitate to call when there is something I can't figure out or I suspect there is a better way to do what I need to do. The agents are fast, friendly and they know HubSpot!
  • Ongoing improvements - HubSpot is always adding value to the product without increasing the price for existing subscribers. It's clear they want to make the best product possible for us.
  • Social. The social tools have absolutely improved but (and this is partly due to API restrictions over which HubSpot has no control), functionality is still limited. You can't mention people on Google plus of upload an image via LinkedIn or do anything with Pinterest. Some day! Right now, it feels a little like social is kind of an afterthought.
  • Campaign tracking can get complicated. There are just some advanced things we can't do, or that require some serious back-end tweaking.
  • Workflows are a little bit limited in enrollment and unenrollment options. I suspect this will improve, especially since I worked with support so long to try to get it to work the way we wanted. Support is really fantastic.
  • Increased lead conversion
  • Improved reporting and customer satisfaction
  • Improved efficiency
I haven't used any other marketing automation software. My only comparison would be WordPress. I love the flexibility of WordPress and all the free plugins, but nothing compares to the tracking and customization capabilities of a HubSpot site.
If leads are important to you, you have a way to follow up on them, and you are committed to long-term content marketing, HubSpot might be a good choice for you. It's fabulous for B2B, but can work for B2C depending on customer lifetime value. It's a little pricey, so it's definitely not right for everyone. Also, it doesn't come with ecommerce out of the box, so that could be an issue for some, though there are ways to make it work.

Using HubSpot

Trying to do what I do now without HubSpot would require multiple tools and sites. There simply aren't enough hours in the day to do what needs to be done without using HubSpot.