Likelihood to Recommend Well suited for a large team with many facilities; in the field use with the app; cloud-based; many users can access the system. Not suited for downloads of pictures/documents in all inspections; slow downloads in the field; the app can lose information if there is a time delay.
Read full review Using the entire Incode Public Safety suite (CAD/Mobile CAD/RMS/E-Citations/Court) allows municipal police departments to create a connected system of information that can share records and reduce the administrative burden on staff to complete the necessary steps of completing all law enforcement reports. But, if you cannot bundle the systems using IPS as a stand-along RMS system will help departments complete professional, detailed, and accurate reports and be able to research crime data to direct resources. Some small departments may not have a dedicated drug investigator function, but for those that do, their system needs to add a narcotics module to better manage informants, buy money expenditures, case data. There are ways to use the system to accomplish these tasks but can be improved.
Read full review Pros Ease of use in field Regular notifications Cloud based User friendly App Read full review Report dashboards-user defined updated. Mobile CAD-Calls, maps, chat messages, and alerts. Accurate electronic IBR data transfer. Read full review Cons Uploading of pictures in field; the software can bog down and kick you out of the app. Field use; there should be an auto save if the app turns off. Ability to attach pictures and documents to more reports/inspections. Read full review The addition of a narcotics module would allow for better management of confidential informants or a source separate from the master name index files. Advanced property room management functions using bar code scanning devices. Same options for date ranges across all fields. The ability to choose the "Last 24 hours" style instead of the date range makes selection much easier to pull data. Many fields have this function but not all. Read full review Return on Investment Keeps inspections on-time. Regular notifications. Simple input of data in the field makes Mapistry easy to use. Read full review IPS delivered a product as described and demonstrated by the sales team-it will do what they say it will do and do it well! Provide citizens and elected officials accurate crime data User-defined reports approval flows, that include use of force reporting embedded into the incident, accurate property room management, and master name, vehicle, and gun index to track each of these items. Read full review ScreenShots Public Safety Pro powered by Incode Screenshots