One SSO to rule them all
Overall Satisfaction with Imprivata OneSign
The tool was very valuable in time savings and ease of access. I worked with the developers for many years to help bring useful toolsets with in the system to production. This made adoption of this sign in method very appealing. I, unfortunately, left the healthcare industry 1 week before the major release we worked on was available. I often speak of this system and the possible benefits in other industries.
The time saving and ease of access to managed systems and even unmanaged systems helped lower help desk calls and support issues. Integration with a core identity system makes the implementation easier for the user community. We were able to introduce HID and fingerprint readers into critical areas to help speed up access to 90% of the core medical systems. I was not there to finish the last 10%.
The time saving and ease of access to managed systems and even unmanaged systems helped lower help desk calls and support issues. Integration with a core identity system makes the implementation easier for the user community. We were able to introduce HID and fingerprint readers into critical areas to help speed up access to 90% of the core medical systems. I was not there to finish the last 10%.
- Application learning toolset was the easiest of all the tools I reviewed for this project. It was able to pull unique data from the GUI to help facilitate login/logout processes.
- Ease of registration. The end users were able to access the systems with either UID/password, badge or finger. The wizards were able to detect card replacement with ease.
- Epic - The toughest application to profile, they introduced a connector that they wrote with Epic's developers to help this API based login process. This was critical for the longevity of this project. It took several iterations but the final product that was released while I worked on it was very solid.
- The agent process was sometime slow.
- System health was an issue and the tool really needs a maintenance process to allow for a system restart when not in use, we accomplished it with secondary scripts.
- Disconnect with Citrix was sometimes an issue but we were running an older version of the application server. The logging and troubleshooting was cumbersome to comb through.
- The lower log in times for doctors and staff showed a great ROI.
- Lower help desk calls means the longer staff can focus on their duties and patient turnover.
- Extra log in for staff that didn't want to take the responsibility of enrolling their badge and being responsible for tracking it's location at all times of active work hours.
None of the other toolsets offered Epic integration. I spent 9 months testing other SSO tools and found them to be slow and tied to specific tools and or workflows only. Imprivata OneSign was the only truly universal tool that I could find that was adaptable.
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