I would die without Adobe Acrobat DC
June 15, 2022

I would die without Adobe Acrobat DC

Thomas Carson | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 10 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with Adobe Acrobat DC

I use Adobe Acrobat DC in a variety of ways in finishing documents and reducing file sizes. The organizing and editing features are awesome and easy to use in a rush to make a deadline. I don't know what I would do without Adobe Acrobat DC in my professional suite, work would be much more difficult.
  • Easy to use and understand tool bars
  • Simple organization layout
  • Intuitive design for optimum production
  • Editing text sometimes shifts the pagination
  • Text blocks are not always consistent in editing
  • Isolating layered text (drop shadow) rather than converting to image
  • Editing
  • Organizing
  • File size downsizing
  • Adobe Acrobat DC is a critical tool in our workflow to ensure best practice production.
  • The final quality control check through Adobe Acrobat DC is vial to our production.
  • Keeping up to date with the latest PDF features is paramount to our success.
If the industry standard is not PDF, I don't know what it is. And, Adobe Acrobat DC is the industry standard for handling PDFs - again, I am not aware of any other program that can do what Adobe Acrobat DC does with PDFs. Not just because I have been using it forever, but I cannot imagine what my professional life would be without Adobe Acrobat DC.
All Adobe products are in tandem but all have very different functions as any graphic designer will tell you. I like all of the tools I have at my disposal and it all starts and finishes with Adobe Acrobat DC. Many of the documents, maps, and photos, start as PDFs and are dropped into InDesign to create the package. Photoshop is used in similar ways to Adobe Acrobat DC when finishing a product, downsizing file size, or aspect ratio. And Illustrator is used mainly for creating graphics and converting logos to clean EMFs.

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First off, I don't know what other program even comes close to handling, modifying, and editing PDFs. When I am finishing a package or document we will run it through Adobe Acrobat DC to reduce the file size and give it a final quality control check. This is what the client will see and it has to be correct and error-free.