Adobe Acrobat DC, great for small publishers
June 16, 2022

Adobe Acrobat DC, great for small publishers

Matt Russell | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 10 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with Adobe Acrobat DC

We are a small publisher and print house. As such, we receive PDFs from our authors many times with errors or problems that we have to address using Adobe Acrobat DC. Many of our authors do not have the technical skills to make the adjustments on whatever program they use to create the book, so we are forced to make the changes in Adobe Acrobat DC instead.
  • Add or remove pages
  • Edit content on pages
  • Preflight for printing
  • Digitally sign documents
  • Fill out forms easily
  • Create forms easily
  • Work out how to make a PDF-only usable with acrobat so copyright features are more capable of being upheld
  • PDF Editing (adding or removing pages, editing text, etc)
  • Digital form creation
  • Copyright protections, pdf accessibility
  • Increased productivity
  • Improved copyright security
  • Increased client retention
For our uses, I use both a Mac and a PC to work on projects with Adobe Acrobat DC. Its seamless ability to work the same on any user interface makes my job much easier. I would greatly recommend this to anyone who uses multiple interfaces to work on PDFs or equivalent.
  • Foxit PDF Editor (FoxitPhantom)
Adobe Acrobat DC and all Adobe products are on the leading edge in their respective fields as far as programs go. I use Adobe Acrobat DC and not a free product on the market because I know Adobe's products will do what I need them to do correctly and without error. That means a lot in many fields, but definitely in my experience as well.

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Adobe Acrobat DC is well suited for many users, including but not limited to, publishers of any size, authors, anyone who reads documents or books digitally, anyone who needs to sign documents digitally, or someone who needs to edit or work with/on PDFs. This would not be useful for those who are technologically incapable of using products to work with their PDFs. For Acrobat Pro, it is also a bit costly, so the cost would be another factor.