Happy HubSpotter
Updated June 16, 2015

Happy HubSpotter

Anonymous | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 10 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Software Version


Modules Used

  • email
  • blog
  • landing page
  • social
  • reports
  • calendar
  • sales
  • CTA
  • campaign

Overall Satisfaction with HubSpot

HubSpot is being used by the marketing department of the company. HubSpot has been able to help us track and manage lead as well as create an easier digital presence with search engine optimization tools and analytics.
  • HubSpot has been extremely helpful in helping to target, track and manage leads. With their persona tool we can easily segment out message to the correct key targets and see how effective our messgaing is within each persona.
  • Campaigns. With the campaigns tool, I have a step by step process to create a campaign from the email, to the CTA, to the landing page to the form, etc. It walks you through the process so you do not miss a step and then gives you insight in our well various parts of the campaign are performing aganist other elements.
  • Customer support - my contact is on top of everything. Whether it is a technical issue, user error, or just a question on a feature she has been able to help me in an extremely quick turnaround.
  • One things that I wish they had was if/then forms - when I went for training they did mention that this was something that was on their radar but those type of questions are very helpful to make sure we ask people the right questions to help better navigate through the sales process.
  • Our industry/product is still in a premature phase and to review any on return on investment isn't fair for the position/company that I am in.
It is such a great tool to streamline all of the processes and helps to work more efficiently in less time. I would recommend because in my experience with HubSpot, I have found it to be extremely helpful in my day to day tasks as well as long term projects and goals.

Using HubSpot

The ongoing services and support that come with HubSpot are exceptional. One of the main reasons I would renew is because of the growth possibility. Just this year at Inbound they announced their CRM which in the state it is in right now would be amazing for a small company just starting out but for us right now we are on an existing CRM and HubSpots CRM wouldn't support the functionality we need right now but in gen2 or gen3 it might be more capable of allowing us to migrate over 1500 accounts. They are always listening to their customers and constantly updating and improving and to see what they already have I want to stay onboard to see what other features they add that could help even more that in already does.

HubSpot Support

My contact is always willing to help me no matter what and always has an answer for me. I typically hear back within a few hours and now a days that is something that is desired but not received in service. They make you feel like they don't just want your money but they want your success as well.
Quick Resolution
Good followup
Knowledgeable team
Problems get solved
Kept well informed
No escalation required
Immediate help available
Support understands my problem
Support cares about my success
Quick Initial Response
I was at the Inbound conference and had a campaign that kicked off the following week and it was the first campaign that we did through HubSpot and I emailed my account manager just to ask a few questions and she set time aside at the busy conference to meet me and walk me through the campaign and help me.

Using HubSpot

Most things are pretty intuitive and the things I didn't know right off the bat I was able to either get quick help from customer support or I easily found a help link in the training section that walks you through the different modules and gives you instructions, best practices, tip and guides
Like to use
Relatively simple
Easy to use
Technical support not required
Well integrated
Quick to learn
Feel confident using
  • Landing page design
  • contact list segmentation and workflows
  • email creation
  • CTA