Netbase is a strong tool is used correctly
November 13, 2013

Netbase is a strong tool is used correctly

Anonymous | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 8 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction

  • Actual individuals' feedback "From the horses' mouth".
  • Mass aggregation of collective viewpoints.
  • Quantifiable metrics exportable to Excel on general social media user contributions.
  • Since NetBase taps in directly to individuals' feedback, profanity can slip through unless closely monitored.
  • There are several social media sites that NetBase does not seem to tap into just yet.
  • When putting together a profile search, one has to be broader in your search and then narrow down through trial and error. This may not be a negative but when compared to something more intuitive like Google, it stands out - but this may be nit-picking.
  • Increased communication of data discoveries to clients through visual representations of metrics sourced from consumers' mouths.
  • I've used netbase in tandem with more data heavy tools like Nielson's Nitro. The data tools discover insights, I find the story and Netbase helps me flesh it out with visual metrics.
  • I do not know how much we paid for the software so I cannot comment on ROI, However, NetBase is a strong directional tool to flesh out in more visual depth some of the learnings you might have found through other more hard data tools like HomeScan.
Because NetBase is a good tool given certain insights and gets. NetBase does not lend itself to all applications when presenting decks for certain category reviews etc. It generally works, but I see this as a more targeted directional tool to further a story as opposed to the source that intuits a revelation. A good tool for what it does.
Make sure you know ahead of your NetBase search, what are the insights you are trying to learn more about. Social media is so big and people express themselves in so many disparate and varying ways you can ease get "lost in the cloud" if you turn to NetBase as your first point of research.