= no more "could you check your browser console, please?"
December 15, 2017 = no more "could you check your browser console, please?"

Luke Abbott | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 9 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with Sentry

We are using Sentry to help us capture, track, and mitigate issues with our website users. We have the client Javascript SDK (called Raven) loaded on each page load, and we're using the raven npm module on the server. Most of the exceptions get caught automatically, but we also use the manual error-tracking features in a few places where we want to track unwanted outcomes without throwing exceptions.
  • Great web interface. Lots of data available in a really clean format, with filtering options and more.
  • Per-user exception tracking. User is complaining about something being broken? Look up their account ID in Sentry and you can see if they've run into any exceptions (with device information included, of course).
  • Source map uploading. Took a little while to figure this out but now we have our deploy script upload sourcemaps to Sentry on each deployment, meaning we get to see stack traces that aren't obfuscated!
  • Very generous free tier – 10,000 events per month. We're nowhere near that yet.
  • Rollbar has more integrations with other services such as Help Scout. Would be nice if Sentry had as many.
  • Can't search for users by username, even though I'm supplying one with the client SDK. I have to find their database ID first.
  • Error tracking is a must in any modern dynamic website or app. By looking into the error notifications I'm able to fix errors before anyone even has a chance to complain about them!
  • Surprisingly, many website issues aren't showing up in Sentry, because they don't trigger exceptions. I'm interested in seeing if I can use Sentry to catch manually-triggered exceptions for "undesirable states" that my website can find itself in. Of course, that means I have to figure out how to have my client code recognize that it's in an undesirable state...
  • Rollbar
There are quite a few players in this space, but Rollbar and Sentry seem to be the top two. I can't remember why I chose Sentry over Rollbar, but they seem pretty close in terms of features.
Sentry supports a wide range of platforms and languages, so it seems well-suited to capture exceptions in many different kinds of apps and websites.