Excellent Tool That Helps You Navigate the Wild World of Commissions
December 09, 2023

Excellent Tool That Helps You Navigate the Wild World of Commissions

Anonymous | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 8 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with Xactly Incent

When we onboarded our system, we were manually
calculating commissions for our direct inside sales team. Xactly Incent was our
solution to begin automating the calculations to provide more
real time results for commission accruals and management for both our
commission earning associates and their managers. This has significantly helped
to reduce the amount monthly work for the team that was manually calculating
these commissions and it has also provided more direct visibility into the
sales credited to each of our inside sales rep teams so that any upstream data
issues with the allocation of sales can be corrected before the end of the
commission cycle leading to more accurate commission payments with less need
for post period corrections. This of course had not fully eliminated the need
for manual intervention as there as some payment methodologies and multiple
sales splitting agreements that have proven to be a bit too complex for the Xactly Incent system in my opinion. For instance, splitting sales across teams that are cross
hierarchy can cause issues for rolling that same percent of sales credit to the
indirectly credited associate's manager and by extension their manager I've found.
  • Providing daily commission accrual feedback to payees
  • Providing opportunities for bulk data uploads rather than requiring associate data to be entered one by one.
  • Plan assignment flexibility. Plans can be assigned in multiple ways eliminating the need of an individualized plan for each associate, but the system still has the option to assign in that manner if needed.
  • The ability to bulk download the system plans and their components as well as download a full list of all formulas, credit and commission rules and their logic. Would make configurations and major data changes easier to service within the system as finding data point components in the system are difficult if you have a very large number of rules and formulas.
  • Ability to roll on reporting indirect relationship credits. Sometimes I need to roll credits and split them between two equal associates and then I need that credit to roll up to their managers. Right now, indirect named credits are not rollable on reporting I've found.
  • The ability to mass copy over quotas and configured external processes from one year to the next. This inability to do that makes new year configuration cumbersome and time consuming as each process needs to be copied individually and if you have a good number of them, it can take time in my opinion. Additionally, you can bulk upload quota assignments, but cannot mass create/copy the initial quotas from year to the next in my experience. Those have to be created one by one currently I've found.
  • One positive impact to that Xactly Incent has had on business objectives is freeing up one whole team that used to calculate commissions as the system now can be easily maintained and managed by one person.
  • Another positive impact is that associates can see their monthly commission goal attainment metrics each day and see where they are lagging in real time rather than having to wait to the end of the month.
  • With the real time updates of commissions calculating daily, it has served to further motivate our sales team to make record sales since onboarding the system.
The data from Xactly Incent calculations have completely revolutionized our ability to more accurately set territory sales goals and by extension budget better for the anticipated commission expenses for the year. This data has made our projection models much more accurate, minus curveballs thrown by unexpected market trends.
We can get real-time calculation data and if things need to be realigned mid-month, that trend can now be identified in real time rather than only after the commission cycle has closed. So we are much more efficient in identifying outlying trends that could prove problematic for the annual financial plan.
We don't have any additional third-party software platforms integrated at this time.
Sales, HR and Finance are all using the data to plan their monthly, quarterly and annual business strategies since data can be accessed quickly and efficiently.
Xactly Incent is my first experience with a product of this nature.

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I believe if you have hard and fast sales territory boundaries for your payees and sell a physical product or good, the system can handle this flawlessly and has a lot of added functionality. The financial and insurance industry has a lot of complexities as most of the products being sold are quite literally money and if there is any asset-based component to the calculation and not just straight sales based, it can be quite difficult to make work in the system in my opinion. Additionally, if there is a lot of sales territory overlap between payees, that level of complexity can be hard to overcome in Xactly Incent in my opinion, especially if sales are going to be split and not just shared giving full credit to both agents.

Xactly Incent® Feature Ratings

Sales compensation plan creation
Complex sales crediting
Sales compensation process automation
Incentive auditing/regulation compliance
Sales compensation dashboards & forecasting
Incentive modeling
Agile incentive strategy
ICM mobile visibility
Sales rep view
Personalized dashboards