Excellent Video Conference Tool
September 07, 2018

Excellent Video Conference Tool

Oleg Galimov | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 9 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Software Version


Overall Satisfaction with Zoom

The advantages of this program are that I can make video calls and seminars from my computer and mobile phone. It works with a fixed Internet connection or a Wi-Fi connection. It does not require cost. You can download the free app. In addition, it allows me to organize and record a meeting. With a videoconferencing plan, I can create annotations with my students at a distance. One of the strategies that I have included in planning my class is to use Zoom as a tool for online communication. Despite the fact that the platform is very new for the university, I already realize it as a use for strengthening information and communication technologies. This is a great tool for communication. It should be noted that he not only works for academic and professional purposes. We can also use it to connect with family and friends who are in other countries. This space is available for different languages, there is no need to worry.
  • I adore the capacity to (1) plan a Zoom meeting and have it naturally added to my timetable and welcome different participants.
  • (2) have screen share swap forward and backward between participants amid gatherings.
  • (3) right away begin a Zoom meeting with somebody.
  • (4) remotely get to another PC amid the gathering to take a shot at an undertaking/errand quickly.
  • I don't care for the amplifier/speaker criticism that occasionally happens amid a gathering with numerous participants. Be that as it may, the workaround of disengaging from PC sound and interfacing by means of telephone influences it to work without additionally issues. What's more, it may not be Zoom's issue that causes this issue, so I can't censure Zoom.
  • The issue for me is the sound, its transmission isn't surely known when you need to make a gathering. It doesn't sound clear. The other thing is that the quantity of members is restricted. On the off chance that you have to include more individuals, it has a cost.
  • What I loathe in this instrument is the talk , the visit is extremely old mold and plain, this sort of hardware can be more client friendly, like BBM or even Whatsapp.
  • It's permitted a more individual touch and correspondence with customers, putting a face behind a telephone call or an email.
  • Utilizing screenshare helps clear up the correspondence so the two gatherings are getting the correct information so we can either supply what the customer is searching for or help with what's not working for them.
We utilized GoToMeeting and Skype for gatherings before we changed to Zoom. Since we began utilizing Zoom, the gatherings have gone extremely well. Just Zoom works awesome on low data transmissions however GoToMeeting and Skype don't work extraordinary for low associations. Likewise Skype does not function admirably when there are in excess of 2 individuals on the call however Zoom works awesome with any number of individuals. GoToMeeting refreshes are horrible and the greater part of the occasions gatherings get postponed in light of updates, however Zoom does not have this issue.
I prescribe Zoom since it is a great server to share records, photos and recordings on your screen all the while from any place and on the off chance that you can not be face to face (physically) for any circumstance, enact the application to keep running online with sound and vision. Notwithstanding screen sharing. Simple to begin from a PC or portable device.

Zoom Workplace Feature Ratings

Not Rated
High quality audio
High quality video
Calendar integration
Meeting initiation
Record meetings / events
Desktop sharing
Live chat
User authentication
Participant roles & permissions