AnyDoc is an automated data capture software product. It identifies and captures data from incoming documents and streamlines key processes. It is used for: Minimizing manual data entry: AnyDoc uses optical character recognition (OCR) technology to automatically capture data – including machine, hand print, mark sense and barcodes – from nearly any document. Shorten business process cycle times: Data is automatically extracted and validated in seconds – and customizable…
ClinPlus CTMS
Score 7.0 out of 10
ClinPlus Clinical Trial Management System is a cloud-based or on-premise solution from DZS Software in New Jersey supports document and finance management for clinical trials.
AnyDoc is well suits for managing data and transcription of documents from any kind of format. Particularly, extracting data or entries from production machine to warehouse stock, inflow and outflow of goods from and to warehouse etc. this software if very efficient. Using Optical character recognition feature, this software extracts data from any document and can be used to maintain data entries and transformation of the records. This software is less usable for storage of data or to access data from anywhere. Also security features can be improved to minimize risk of data loss or data leackage.
The platform can be used for new biotechs who are just starting to implement clinical research platforms or for companies who are looking for new systems. ClinPlus has all other systems too such as EDC, IWRS, and eTMF so a company can use one platform for all the systems. ClinPlus Clinical Trial Management System is cloud-based so it is useful for end users to access the system without logging into a company server.
Clin Plus CTMS can be integrated with Clin Plus EDC, eTMF, and IWRS system. It also has the ability to seamlessly integrate with other platforms
Their monitoring functionalities are very useful such as site visit report authorizing and review workflow, email notification to CRAs and Project Managers for creating and reviewing trip reports.
Study Finance Management tool is also a good feature to keep track of all your site budgets in one platform
AnyDoc gives easy tool for the managing and transcription of documents from all types of format. Also AnyDoc’s Optical character recognition is very efficient over other software for the recognition of the documents and transcription of the data. This helps to manage in day to day operations in very efficient and convenient way. Also, AnyDoc is found to be more accurate and reliable tool for the data management and scanning. AnyDoc can accurately and effectively deliver data to accounting software and other applications that is an advantage of it over other platforms.
I still prefer using Medidta CTMS as the platform is laid out in a very intuitive way and it is also very easy to integrate all the data into other platforms. With Clin Plus CTMS the system is good but to utilize it to its full potential all the other platforms provided by Clin Plus needs to be purchased also