AudioCodes SD-WAN Reviews
AudioCodes SD-WAN

AudioCodes SD-WANPricing

We don't have enough ratings and reviews to provide an overall score.

AudioCodes SD-WAN Pricing Overview


What is AudioCodes SD-WAN?

The AudioCodes SD-WAN solution is a VoIP enabled edge Universal Customer Premises Equipment (uCPE) appliance based on the AudioCodes Mediant 800 with an integrated Intel server module that can host SD-WAN application-aware routing algorithms. These algorithms evaluate end-to-end path performance…


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Entry-level set up fee?

  • No setup fee

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AudioCodes SD-WAN Alternatives Pricing

The following is a quick overview of editions offered by other software in similar categories

Cisco Meraki MX

What is Cisco Meraki MX?

Cisco Meraki MX Firewalls is a combined UTM and Software-Defined WAN solution. Meraki is managed via the cloud, and provides core firewall services, including site-to-site VPN, plus network monitoring.

Untangle NG Firewall

What is Untangle NG Firewall?

Untangle NG Firewall is an open-source firewall and gateway security platform. It offers a free core firewall platform with paid add-ons, and a cloud-based management platform with a variety of deployment options for smaller teams.

Harmony SASE

What is Harmony SASE?

Check Point Harmony SASE, based on Perimeter 81 which was acquired by Check Point in late 2023, is designed to simplify secure network, cloud and application access for the modern and distributed workforce.