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The following is a quick overview of editions offered by other software in similar categories

Planning Center

What is Planning Center?

Planning Center in Carlsbad offers modular church management applications, providing CRM, tithe management, event registration and attendance, and volunteer resource scheduling.

Raklet Community & Membership Management Software

What is Raklet Community & Membership Management Software?

Raklet enables communities to meet, network and grow. Community management platform that helps users build brand engagement and opportunities, fully branded to match company colors. Users can: - Organize and enrich member database with Raklet CRM - Build custom forms and pages - Communicate via…


What is ParishSOFT?

ParishSOFT, a Ministry Brands company, provides church management software designed to streamline operations, foster collaboration and improve communication. The ParishSOFT church software is designed to help Catholic churches, dioceses, and other organizations become more effective in their…