File Maker Pro 8.5 Review
July 11, 2014

File Maker Pro 8.5 Review

Veronica Allen | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 7 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Software Version


Overall Satisfaction with FileMaker Pro

It is used in the Marketing and Graphic Design departments. It allows us to review and update literature that we distribute to vendors. Many companies' literature has gone from all print towards PDF's, and ultimately where there are no printed materials. Using FileMaker Pro helps us to stay "in with the times" and stay competitive.


  • Compatibility with OS or Windows
  • Speed
  • No browser necessary
  • Easy to pick up on for new users


  • The web data being incorporated into the program is a little confusing to interact with at first
  • Program appearance is outdated looking
  • Increased employee efficiency for SURE
  • Increased employee communication on projects b/t the Marketing and Graphic Design Departments
It it not really up to me but my opinion does have some weight in the decision and the reason I would renew my use FileMaker Pro 8.5 is because I am finally getting used to it! Now that I have been working with the program, tasks have become quicker and projects are getting done faster. File Maker Pro 8.5 really is a versatile tool and I think we are just scratching the surface with it's abilities.
I would say the scenarios where this program is best suited would be times when you need to interact with the internet. Because the "Web Interaction" feature is so developed and prominent in File Maker Pro 8.5, with practice, it is an incredibly useful tool. I honestly cannot see a situation when using File Maker Pro 8.5 would not be appropriate.


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