safe and sound
September 15, 2021
safe and sound

Score 4 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User
Overall Satisfaction with Fortify Application Defender
we are using it to help prevent cyber attacks on our network and system computers. it addresses a lot of issues with malware being downloaded on to our network and computers. having it installed and working properly allows us to make sure that all of our stuff works seamlessly and without issue. we like that we can install it and let it ride and not have to worry about it a lot.
- prevents malware
- mitigates risks
- visibility
- safety
- user interface
- applications
- installation
- safety
- security
- peace of mind
- usability
- understanding
Fortify Application Defender is a little more timely and upfront with a lot of their information on cyber security. we like what they provide and how they communicate with our users. I think they have a good understanding and practice in their field. they seem best suited for us and the best fit.
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