IBM FlashSystem 5K with no catchy wordplay
September 27, 2021

IBM FlashSystem 5K with no catchy wordplay

Istvan Buda | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 10 out of 10
Vetted Review

Modules Used

  • IBM Flashsystem 5000

Overall Satisfaction with IBM FlashSystem

We have mainly two different environments, one for general fileserver use and one for SAP NW. We are using replication in both environment for 100km. All the boxes are populated with 24 pcs of FlashCore modules, and we are using DRAID6 with legacy pool. The compression ratio is 1.5 in the fileserver and 2.8 in the SAP environment. The connection between the sites are limited so we are using Metro Mirror and Global Mirror with change volumes in parallel. The host OSes are mainly ESXi, Windows, Linux, and AIX. The average performance of the systems like 20k iops with <1ms latency @2000MiB/s.


  • Easy and simple management both GUI and CLI
  • Straight and easy configuration
  • Usable TiB / rack unit ratio can be quite high
  • Easy reporting with Storage Insights


  • The GUI is less complete than CLI (by design)
  • Less management effort
  • Easy migration to/from
  • Set it and forget it type of operation is welcome
The basic configuration is so simple so you just set it and forget it. All the FlashSystem family products are running the same code, so they can talk to each other as well if needed. The migration to/from is simple as that, because of [the] external virtualization function, which supports more than 444 different types of other storage.

IBM Storage FlashSystem Feature Ratings

Flash Array Performance
Flash Array Integration
Data Compression
Non-Intrusive Upgrades
Power Savings


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