Penelope making case manager's jobs easier.
August 04, 2021
Penelope making case manager's jobs easier.

Score 8 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User
Overall Satisfaction with Penelope by Social Solutions
It is currently being used by the SSVF, ESG, and HVRP staff. Penelope lets case managers, program managers, and directors to maintain an accurate database of clients that we are working with. It is used from the beginning of them entering one of the programs all the way through them exiting the program. It has been able to be adapted to each individuals job, while ensuring everyone is completing the required forms.
- It allows for workflows to created depending upon the situation.
- It is easy to use. If there is an error it will tell you where the error is at, so you can correct it.
- It is adaptable for the role of the person working with the system.
- When there is an error with a number, it only tells you there is an error is does not tell you what it is or where.
- At times when you sign the documents it does not register that they have been signed.
- When you upload a document, it does not want to navigate back to the original form. Sometimes you have to go back to the home screen and start over.
- Workflows being automatically created.
- Being able to upload documents that are required.
- Built in communication system.
- It has cut down the time needed to complete forms.
- We have saved on money on office supplies by decreasing the amount of paper we consume.
- It provides a central system to maintain our records.
Penelope is the only system that I have used.
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