6Sense is great for quick intel with buying signals
June 02, 2022

6Sense is great for quick intel with buying signals

Anonymous | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 8 out of 10
Vetted Review
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Overall Satisfaction with 6sense

We currently use 6sense for using their AI ML Engine to help us sell better, more, and faster to companies that are executing on some sort of cta (call to action). At this time, 6sense is rolled out to multiple segments within our sales org (smb, mid-market, and ent). We receive insights into when a visitor from a company downloads a whitepaper, clicks on a link/URL, etc. We also receive insights into what he/she is searching for in the search bar.
  • Notifies us of when a user has downloaded a white paper for us to respond back with consultative guidance
  • Notifies us when a user provides their personal contact information for us to respond back with consultative guidance
  • Notifies us when a user is reviewing/clicking a URL for us to respond with consultative guidance
  • with the barrier of pixels and cookies, I still wish there was a way for my reps to have the contact info (or at least the name) of the person who is clicking on a URL. That would be very powerful.
  • I've noticed on multiple occasions (at least 8) where accounts are misrouted to my reps that said "x y z person at ABC company did this" but that account did not belong to their territory.
  • within the email, the UI allows us to scroll from top to bottom of the accounts that are doing X calls to action. I wish there was a summary "dashboard" where I can see all accounts in one view for me to pick and choose where to "dig into".
  • If there was a way 6sense was connected to outreach and have sequences be sent out immediately
  • higher win rates
  • more pipeline created/generated
I am indifferent to this question. Because it just shows someone visited...we (reps) have to do the dirty work of "probing" at a company that did it. Therefore, your ABM solution offers value but its not impactful tbh
It helped us learn what someone is doing but not the why, which is understandable.
ZoomInfo, InsideView are ones we looked at Yours is better because yours provides real-time insights but I wish you would provide more contextual data

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