Android Studio is an official Android development integrated development environment (IDE) for mobile application development in the Android operating system developed by Google. Android Studio is based on Jetbrains'
React Native
Score 9.0 out of 10
React Native enables users to create native apps for Android and iOS using React. React Native combines native development with React, a JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
Android Studio is a great mobile development IDE. I have found it is the best for both Android and Flutter development. It is created by JetBrains, so any developer used to their products, such as IntelliJ IDEA, will find themselves right at home with this IDE. It is very intuitive so it is a good choice for people needing to learn an IDE quickly.
We are implementing React Native framework for the development of the Front-End for the machine learning models maintenance and monitoring website. It provides meaningful error messages, and time-saving and robust tools make it a premium choice over other platforms. Moreover, it provides intelligent debugging tools and error report mechanisms. And most importantly for us, it provides the aesthetic minimal functionality to learn in order to implement it, thereby eliminating the need to work in Xcode or Android Studio for iOS or Android apps respectively.
Android Studio needs a very high amount of RAM and a high-end processor to run smoothly, which can't be affordable for everyone.
Updates in Gradle files can sometimes come up with a hectic improvement in whole code, which can lead us to improve some code and consume precious time.
Multitasking is very difficult in Android Studio due to its heavy consumption of resources.
Overall support for Android Studio is quite good. As the project is maintained by Google itself, frequent updates are usually made to Android Studio to keep the IDE update and bug-free. Many community forums are also available to help developers across the world if they face any issue.
Android Studio is the best possible offering to make android based apps. It's a product by Google and the official integrated development environment for android app development. That's why it is able to offer the easiest to learn and simplest coding environment to developers. But it needs higher performance and is at times slower as compared to Flutter, etc. So that's the only drawback, but overall it's better than most tools for app development.
Decision for React Native came mainly from the big popularity of the framework. Thus, we had a big base of resources we could come back to. We also used it because it is a javascript framework. Thus, we could utilize the already existing experience in javascript and web development to ensure a smoother implementation of the app.
The APPs developed with ANDROID STUDIO take a long time to develop, however this extra expense is compensated by the low rate of claims that our technical service must attend.
By working with native code, you do not depend on external library providers and their associated cost.
Decreased the development process time via robust and easy-to-use platform
Easier to debug with a provided intelligent tool as well as error-prone messages, which allows developing in a paced manner for the decreased Time-To-Market
Reusable code base can directly impact lead time and thereby on ROI in a positive manner