Apache Airflow is an open source tool that can be used to programmatically author, schedule and monitor data pipelines using Python and SQL. Created at Airbnb as an open-source project in 2014, Airflow was brought into the Apache Software Foundation’s Incubator Program 2016 and announced as Top-Level Apache Project in 2019. It is used as a data orchestration solution, with over 140 integrations and community support.
Score 9.2 out of 10
dbt is an SQL development environment, developed by Fishtown Analytics, now known as dbt Labs. The vendor states that with dbt, analysts take ownership of the entire analytics engineering workflow, from writing data transformation code to deployment and documentation. dbt Core is distributed under the Apache 2.0 license, and paid Teams and Enterprise editions are available.
Airflow can accomplish the same work as dbt (data build tool), however, dbt's (data build tool) development workflow and UI can open up data transformation and modeling work to non-data engineering teams. Looker might also be able to define data models via LookML with a …