Apache Hive is database/data warehouse software that supports data querying and analysis of large datasets stored in the Hadoop distributed file system (HDFS) and other compatible systems, and is distributed under an open source license.
Apache Pig
Score 8.4 out of 10
Apache Pig is a programming tool for creating MapReduce programs used in Hadoop.
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Apache Pig
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Chose Apache Hive
Apache Pig is probably the most direct technology to compare to Hive and has several different use cases to Hive. If you want to simplify processing tasks that run using MapReduce then Apache Pig may be a better tool for the job. However if you are going to be running many …
We selected Hive because it supports SQL, schema and provides structure on top of hadoop. Having data structured has its benefits, especially if there are thousands of users processing on the same data over and over again. Pig provides the ability to process unstructured data. …
It takes me less time to write a Pig script than get a Spark program running for batch ETL workloads. Compared to Spark, Pig has a steeper learning curve because it employs a proprietary programming language. In one script and one fine, it can handle both Map Reduce and Hadoop. …
It can accommodate Map Reduce in a single script and a single fine. IT has very much documentation present for easy learning. SQL like queries makes it easy to understand
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Chose Apache Pig
Apache Pig might help to start things faster at first and it was one of the best tool years back but it lacks important features that are needed in the data engineering world right now. Pig also has a steeper learning curve since it uses a proprietary language compared to Spark …
I use both Apache Pig and its alternatives like Apache Spark & Apache Hive. Apache Pig was one of the best options in Big Data's initial stages. But now alternatives have taken over the market, rendering Apache Pig behind in the competition. But it is still a better alternative …
Early on Apache Pig was a great tool for easily writing distributed processing applications without needing to write a complete Java MapReduce job from scratch, but as time as moved on there now better alternatives to get results faster for both ad-hoc analysis and for …
- Provided better ways for optimized hadoop jobs than Hive but not anymore. - Spark DSL is much more advanced and compute times are significantly less.