1. It's open source which supports range of languages, operating systems and languages. Well suited for Android and IOS mobile automation. Supports all kinds of apps, which makes it flexible and robust mobile testing tool 2. It is less appropriate where we need intercept network call to verify the API calls. Extensive coding experience is required to work Appium
Useful and straightforward. Appian and other low-code BCM tools can be easily integrated. Writing a script for a test is similar to writing a script in English. So simple to use because it's a wrapper class for selenium. FitNesse is being implemented with the goal of doing it correctly the first time. As a result, migrations of both the client and the server are made easier.
If you're an Apple developer, you use Xcode. It's practically a forced necessity. For system testing though, it doesn't have to be. You can have your development team focus on unit and integration tests in their platform and another team automate acceptance tests with a language they are more familiar with.
The FitNesse testing automation framework is very simple to operate. It is simple to connect with the Jenkins and Bamboo environments. It is dependable, and it is simple and quick to include new tests. The process of debugging and fixing test failures is straightforward. FitNesse, including its installation, may be utilized with a minimum of fuss and difficulty. Maintaining scripts and monitoring their output is designed to be a relatively straightforward process.