Likelihood to Recommend One of the best things about FollowUp Power is that we can mark things for follow-up several months down the line, which we frequently have a need for since many of our clients are seasonal. For example, we'll get started working with them while they're here in Florida for the winter, then they'll head back north in the spring and not want to hear from us again until they return in the fall. With FollowUp Power, we can then mark them for follow up in the future rather than to have to somehow remember to contact them in the future.
Read full review Well Suited: Construction cost estimates for new larger projects where the construction will start within the next 6-9 months. Budgetary estimates for future buildings through its square foot models. Not Well Suited: Not accurate enough on small projects where labor, travel to sites, and OH&P are a higher percentage of unit costs than on larger projects where these costs are spread out across more units.
Read full review Pros We love the dashboard feature. This is where we spend the majority of our time. The dashboard helps us avoid missing bid dates and deadlines. The system is very intuitive and a new user will be up to speed within one hour after they start using the system. There is only one place to enter all data. This allows for ease of use and minimizes data entry mistakes. Every task is date stamped to insure proper work flow and holds the team accountable to each other. Read full review CostWorks is very good at generating quick and valid estimates for standardized facilities such as office buildings, schools, etc. It allows you to validate other cost estimates at the UniFormat level when doing an estimate validation. CostWorks' database of detailed line-items is a very resourceful asset when it comes to finding a very specific line-item. Sometimes, when using Success or MII, I will have CostWorks open on the other screen so I can find an item that the other softwares just don't have and build it into the other software from the CostWorks entry. CostWorks does a very good job of generating reports that are both well-developed and have enough detail at the summary level to be able to sit with a client or a project manager and have them follow along and understand without being overwhelmed with detail and numbers. Read full review Cons It really needs to have the capability of listing numerous phone #s with a note beside each one ("his cell#", "her work#", "do not call before 9a.m.", etc.). It really needs to have the capability of listing numerous e-mail addresses ("hers", "his", "her email address at work", etc.). It would be nice to have a separate general information box where we could put comments in that would show every time we bring up the account (such as "her nickname is Bobbi", "their dogs name is Fido, "their son is currently stationed in France", "husband is going through chemotherapy", etc.), which would help us to remember personal details that are important to our clients. Read full review small project costs where labor is a bigger portion than materials on cost markup factors on governmental projects Read full review Support Rating I've never had the need to discuss CostWorks with a vendor.
Read full review Alternatives Considered My company had already implemented FollowUp Power CRM for Construction before I arrived. I have used other CRM programs in the past, and FollowUp Power is much more user friendly, and I have already seen a direct increase in my lead to customer conversion ratio as well as increased sales
Read full review CostWorks is a unique software for estimating as compared to the other softwares I have listed above. PACES is mostly used for federal modeling and really cannot be compared to Costworks. It has its own developed modeling database and has its own quirkiness and issues. MII has been developed for the USACE and utilized a user-developed folder structure and RS Means Database. I use CostWorks along side this software to find line-items that are not in the MII RS Means Database. Success has been developed for NAVFAC and again, utilizes a user-developed folder structure and RS Means Database. When I use this software, I ALWAYS have CostWorks open on the other screen as Success' RS Means database is extremely lacking when it comes to the number of detail line-items. Timberline is by SAGE and I use it mostly for DOS and FAA work. Of the 3 RS Means Database softwares, this one has the most detailed database for reference, however, there are times when I do have to look up an item that Timberline does not have and the first software I open is CostWorks.
Read full review Return on Investment I have seen a lot better tracking on my jobs when it comes to scheduling and staying on top of my jobs. The dashboard is part of my daily routine it tells me exactly what I need to follow up on weather it is calling the customer or checking on the customer. Payments or what the current status of the job is. Read full review I don't really see any "negative" impacts on my business or my ROI by purchasing CostWorks. It's a valuable tool that we use, however, some of my colleagues do not use it or use it very infrequently. I find it well worth the cost even though we don't develop complete estimates in CostWorks due to client dictated softwares. It has provided very quickly-built estimating models that let our team and project managers know that the RFP or the task that they are contemplating bidding on or starting to work on is actually feasible to construction given the budget and directive. Read full review ScreenShots