Sapia Reviews


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Sapia Pricing Overview


What is Sapia? offers their recruitment automation software solution, an AI chat tool that extracts the language signals that reliably predict job performance, such as personality traits, behavioral competencies, and language skills, with the goal of providing an unbiased assessment of each candidate’s…


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Sapia Alternatives Pricing

The following is a quick overview of editions offered by other software in similar categories


What is HireVue?

HireVue is a video, mobile and social recruiting platform.


What is Gem?

Gem is an all-in-one recruiting platform that integrates with LinkedIn, Gmail, Outlook, and ATS.


What is Hireflix?

Hireflix allows the interviewer to record questions in video, and allows candidates to reply with video whenever convenient for them. The vendor states users can implement one-way video interviews without losing the personal touch, screen more candidates in less time, and assess the qualities of a…