Scanbot SDK Reviews
Scanbot SDK

Scanbot SDKPricing

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Scanbot SDK Pricing Overview


What is Scanbot SDK?

Scanbot offers a B2B product, the Scanbot Software Development Kit (SDK), enabling enterprises to integrate data capture capabilities such as barcode scanning, document detection & scanning, and data extraction functionalities into their mobile (iOS / Android) and web applications. With…


  • HasFree Trial
  • Does not haveFree/Freemium Version
  • Does not havePremium Consulting/Integration Services

Entry-level set up fee?

  • No setup fee

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The solutions come with an annual fixed fee and do not take into account the number of scans, users, or downloads. Customers received unlimited scanning at a fixed price. The pricing depends only on the required package and the number of apps that will integrate the SDK.

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Scanbot SDK Alternatives Pricing

The following is a quick overview of editions offered by other software in similar categories

Astera ReportMiner


What is Astera ReportMiner?

Astera ReportMiner automates data extraction from unstructured documents with a drag-and-drop UI. It is used to create reusable, pattern-based templates. Combining AI and template-based extraction, ReportMiner allows for auto-generating and fine-tuning templates.


What is BarTender?

Seagull Scientific in Bellevue offers BarTender, a barcode software solution, supports label design and printing, as well as barcode reading and RFID tools.


What is Matterport?

Matterport headquartered in Sunnyvale develops immersive 3D technology. They offer a platform for prosumers and professionals to capture, edit and share 3D models of physical spaces. These navigable virtual tours are presented in Matterport's proprietary photo-realistic digital media format.