A "Handi" Tool to Access Your Numbers
April 26, 2022

A "Handi" Tool to Access Your Numbers

Danielle Serna | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 8 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with Access Handisoft (formerly Sage HandiSoft)


  • Productivity
  • Dashboard/reporting
  • Ease of use


  • Inventory building
  • Reboot necessity
  • Internet Lag
Because we work with a CPA as our Finance Manager, it is best to have the ability to track our workflow and progress, as well as our own Due Date Tracking in order to remind him. They use QuickBooks to document their business, but using Access allows us to easily manage our number to send to them for general use.
The software is great and does what we need for our day-to-day accounting, but when it comes to our in-house IT, we seem to have issues with our internal server complementing our ability to work outside of the office on the software. Data has been lost, work time wasted twice.


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