AdvancedMD --have an affair with this product!
Updated March 16, 2016
AdvancedMD --have an affair with this product!

Score 10 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User
Overall Satisfaction with ADP AdvancedMD
- Detailed Aging reports very easy to follow and helpful in our business.
- Navigation around appointment scheduler is excellent.
- Creating custom templates with AMD convenient.
- Best part--when system is slow, I can instantly send feedback on it, and see results soon!
- Adding and Deleting provider columns complicated.
- Would have loved to have one point of contact at all times and have that person answer on the third ring (see, this is me really reaching--because as far as my job functions were concerned, the product was absolutely fantastic. I have no complaints).
- Working electronic insurance error reports in the system was a nightmare.
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