AdvancedMD --have an affair with this product!
Updated March 16, 2016

AdvancedMD --have an affair with this product!

Anonymous | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 10 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with ADP AdvancedMD


  • Detailed Aging reports very easy to follow and helpful in our business.
  • Navigation around appointment scheduler is excellent.
  • Creating custom templates with AMD convenient.
  • Best part--when system is slow, I can instantly send feedback on it, and see results soon!


  • Adding and Deleting provider columns complicated.
  • Would have loved to have one point of contact at all times and have that person answer on the third ring (see, this is me really reaching--because as far as my job functions were concerned, the product was absolutely fantastic. I have no complaints).
  • Working electronic insurance error reports in the system was a nightmare.
If you want peace of mind knowing the reliability of the product and helpfulness of those behind the scenes in troubleshooting and tech support, this is a product worth having. The system processes fast. The vast amount of reports available meets every financial need in my book. Easy to learn.

AdvancedPM, by AdvancedMD Feature Ratings

ADP AdvancedMD Reliability


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