Developing with Derby
April 10, 2017

Developing with Derby

Renato Ermann | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 8 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with Apache Derby

The product I worked on at IBM supported all the major database vendors, including Derby. Since Derby is free, most development and QA was done with Derby, although not many customers had adopted Derby as their production database vendor.


  • Much easier to use and learn than most commercial databases.
  • Derby database errors are well documented.
  • Most complex queries supported as well as by other database vendors.


  • It may not scale as well as some more mature database products.
  • Used it primarily from the command line with openjpa and jdbc, and from third-party clients such as Squirrel.
  • May benefit by providing more sophisticated tools to optimize query performance.
  • Saved money on database licensing.
[It's] Well suited for development and testing environments.


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