BBEdit zaps the gremlims!
March 05, 2020

BBEdit zaps the gremlims!

Kevin O'Grady | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 10 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with BBEdit

We use BBEdit as much as possible for all our text editing because it does it much better than the standard default text editors that come pre-installed on PCs and Macs. Even after a couple of years of constant use, we are still learning the full functionality. That doesn't mean it is difficult, no, it just means it is comprehensive and worth every penny.


  • I love the SORT functionality of BBEdit
  • The ease of use makes it a superior product to every text editor out there.
  • BBEdit handles text like a pro, and like all text, editors should.


  • BBEdit is hard to learn
  • BBEdit is so full of functionality that it needs a better onboarding system.
  • It is fast and efficient at what it does.
  • Saves a lot of time
  • Makes text editing complete
  • Takes the drudge out of search and replace and zapping gremlins.
BBEdit wins over TextEdit every time. They are as different as chalk and cheese. I am so glad we moved to BBEdit.
The support team are genuinely concerned that their product is served and supported well. We know this from word of mouth and other forums about the product. We've never had any problems with the product and never had to contact support about anything. It just works straight out of the box.

Do you think BBEdit delivers good value for the price?


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Would you buy BBEdit again?


Anywhere you have text, you need BBEdit. It handles complex text just as easily as simple text. It has an excellent search and replace functionality. Superb sorting, and it is excellent fast removal of gremlins. They call it Zap Gremlins on the menu, and it is one I use a lot in my daily work.


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