The wonders of all your data analysis in one place
November 09, 2021

The wonders of all your data analysis in one place

Anonymous | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 8 out of 10
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Overall Satisfaction with Databricks Lakehouse Platform (Unified Analytics Platform)

It is currently used by our Data and Product teams in order to perform deep dives analysis on how our current metrics are performing (KPIs, OKRs), to develop tools for metric predictions based on data models in languages such as SQL and Python while mixing them and giving to the entire company visibility of the results with graphs via shared workspaces


  • Cross company shared workspaces for unified comprehension of the data
  • Combining different languages such as SQL and Python in one single space in order to make data analysis
  • Quick execution of highly complex queries


  • How graphs are created, it requires a certain level of expertise in the platform and it could be more intuitive and user friendly
  • More guidance on the basics, since some of the new users come from different platforms expecting a similar UI
  • An option where all the tables are shown with their respective fields, when a DB is selected for a query
  • 100% Improvement on data analysis on a single platform
  • 50% Improvement on data analysis sharing across the company
  • reduced 25% on idle time from query execution
I have not had the need of support from Databricks [Lakehouse Platform] team itself to the date

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I wasn't involved with the implementation phase

Would you buy Databricks Data Intelligence Platform again?


Because it is an amazing platform for designing experiments and delivering a deep dive analysis that requires execution of highly complex queries, as well as it allows to share the information and insights across the company with their shared workspaces, while keeping it secured.

in terms of graph generation and interaction it could improve their UI and UX
I reckon is an amazing platform for users with a certain level of expertise for designing experiments and delivering a deep dive analysis that requires execution of highly complex queries, also it is very useful when it comes to cross company shared workspaces for unified comprehension of the data.

it is less appropriate for users who don't have full knowledge of the tables they are going to query on and need more support on the data, since the platform doesn't give an option to see what are the fields in a table before even querying it


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