Drools to rule over the rules
April 19, 2022

Drools to rule over the rules

Anonymous | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 7 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with Drools

Drools is used to manage business logic and to make it easy to understand and maintain. Drools helps you manage logic without complete knowledge of code. You concentrate on business logic only. It is very efficient when it comes to rules evolution when logic evolves with new business problems or capacities.


  • Writing rules with business focus
  • Rules evolution and maintenance
  • separate business logic from program code


  • Error handling may be difficult
  • Accurate for big projects, for small projects it may be too much effort
  • Versioning
  • Ui to make evolution easy
  • Separation between code and rules make it easy to evolve with business agenda
  • Error handling was sometimes tricky and required expertise
I did not participate in drools choice. I can only compare drools with the previous situation which was using nothing.

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Drools is well suited for big projects where business logic and rules must be separated from program code. So they can evolve when business evolves without being tied to code evolution and deployment.


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