IBM FlashSystem 5000 - One of the best flash memory indeed!
August 16, 2021

IBM FlashSystem 5000 - One of the best flash memory indeed!

Shivani Pandey | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 9 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Modules Used

  • IBM Flashsystem 7200
  • IBM Flashsystem 5000

Overall Satisfaction with IBM FlashSystem

IBM FlashSystem 5000 is being used in my organization by different project teams for medium and large applications which require high-performance memory for their applications and data. It has helped in improving the overall speed and performance of the critical applications and helped us meet the client expectations for better business delivery.


  • It provides continuous high performance for all the critical applications.
  • We are able to ensure 24/7 uptime for the system
  • Excellent resource distribution
  • High performing storwise system
  • Options to align deployments and resources in a hybrid model based on the requirements


  • [The] Team needs [a] good amount of training and knowledge as the initial setup is somewhat complex.
  • 24/7 application availability for faster data processing
  • Reduced time for read and write transaction data
  • Increased overall performance in the business workflow
  • Easy management of resources for critical business needs
IBM FlashSystem 5000 is well suited for applications and deployments which require fast memory to process and complete a large number of transactions in less amount time and at the same time ensuring the high availability of the services for the end-users. IBM FlashSystem 5000 is offering reliability, high performance, and scalability under a single roof.

IBM Storage FlashSystem Feature Ratings

Flash Array Performance
Flash Array Integration
Data Compression
Non-Intrusive Upgrades
Power Savings


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