Makes life easier for busy teachers
June 08, 2018

Makes life easier for busy teachers

Sheila-Shira Reiss | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 10 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with Infinite Campus

My school district uses Infinite Campus to track attendance grades, class schedules, test scores for national and state assessments as well as the Colorado English Proficiency Test scores. Communications with parents is also entered into Infinite Campus. There is also a red flag which identifies if a child is a second language learner or in special education. It is also used as a Parent Portal where parents can see academic information about their child, including contact information, attendance, grades and class schedules.


  • Infinite Campus provides an easy way for teachers and staff to enter pertinent academic information including contact information, attendance, grades, class schedules and test scores
  • Provides easy access for any staff member in the district to share information between schools especially for transfer students in the same district
  • Very user friendly; easy to enter information


  • Parents sometimes do not find it user friendly and need to be trained on how to access information
  • Sometimes the system becomes overloaded when too many people are using it simultaneously, but that may be a district problem
I did not choose Infinite Campus. The district chose it and I'm glad they did.
It is well suited for gathering educational information needed for each student in one place. Having attendance, grades and testing scores in one place makes it easy to access information. It is not appropriate to try and enter more detailed special education information although students are flagged if they are second language learners or in special education. When a child is only receiving speech therapy, there is a flag that the child is in special education which can confuse their teachers.


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