Big fan of Intellimagic!
Updated March 04, 2024
Big fan of Intellimagic!

Score 10 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User
Overall Satisfaction with IntelliMagic Vision for z/OS
Intellimagic provides software as [service] delivery of our mainframe performance data. Using intuitive customizable screens and dashboards all available metrics are available for trending, comparison, or detailed analysis.
- Comparison of current charts with relevant historical charts (i.e., this Monday vs. Last Monday).
- Starting with general charts and drilling into detail.
- Providing a single intuitive interface to all of your data.
- Anomaly Detection based on thresholds
- The voluminous data is a challenge for all tools. As always, improved response time is always appreciated.
- I really appreciate reading the descriptions and field descriptions that are provided with the screens. All additional elaborations will be appreciated.
- Monthly trending and cyclical pattern detection
- Intellimagic allows support staff to gain a deeper understanding of the environment. This is applicable to both junior and senior staff.
There are many products that leverage mainframe performance data, each with pros and cons. Intellimagic is valuable for many uses cases that overlap with the other tools simply because the graphical representations are readily consumable by many audiences.
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