If you're not continuously optimizing your website, you're missing out.
May 20, 2014

If you're not continuously optimizing your website, you're missing out.

Marc Alberto | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 10 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Software Version

Maxymiser 8.0

Modules Used

  • MaxTEST

Overall Satisfaction with Oracle CX Marketing (formerly Oracle Marketing Cloud)

We currently use Maxymiser across our website to enhance the user experience and increase conversions in our sales funnel. Maxymiser is used across the organization and it helps us test different messaging and design to make the online customer journey a simpler and more straight forward process. We're also able to use Maxymiser as a CMS to run successful tests at 100% until we can build out the changes internally.


  • Maxymiser is able to track several metrics at once which allows the business to see the overall picture and make educated decisions on tests.
  • The user interface is clear and it's east to see when a test has reached statistical significance.
  • The ability to pause tests (self service) is a nice feature to have in the event it's needed.
  • The Visual Campaign Builder allows business users to run small A/B tests while more complex tests are being run.
  • Maxymiser collaborated with us on test design and ideas to help us run powerful tests with meaningful insights.


  • While there is the ability to create scheduled reports to get emailed to users, it would be nice to be able to do this on a batch basis instead of one off.
  • Some reports almost have too many options of how to slice the data and can get somewhat confusing when you have multiple tests running simultaneously and need to run each report slightly differently.
  • Another nice feature would be the ability to edit an existing scheduled report instead of having to delete it and recreate it.
  • Improved the online customer journey by streamlining the process making it easier for the users to purchase online.
  • Made it easier for consumers to find key information across our website so a more educated consumer started the online purchasing process.
  • Financially, the success of our tests have more than paid for the product.
We have not used other vendors for A/B and MVT testing.
I am a big believer in continuous optimization and there's always room for improvement on any website in any industry. Continually running A/B and MVT tests on a website is not only helpful to the bottom line of the business, but also ensures you provide your end user with the best online experience possible.

Using Oracle CX Marketing (formerly Oracle Marketing Cloud)

While we've had great success with Maxymiser we are always looking for best in class A/B & MVT testing tools, we continue to use Maxymiser because they're best in class and we haven't found a better tool to use.


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