QuickBooks Self-Employed is a Must Have for Small Businesses
Overall Satisfaction with QuickBooks Self-Employed
I currently run all of our business expenses and income through QuickBooks. The simple app on my phone allows me to swipe business and personal expenses, keeping all our finances separate and accounted for. Additionally, I can run invoices and reporting through QuickBooks which allows me to keep my clients on track with their monthly retainers.
- Tracking expenses is as simple as swiping left and right, it couldn't be easier.
- Running invoices through QuickBooks is simple and effective.
- Allowing clients to pay by card or check allows you to get paid faster and give the clients multiple ways of paying invoices, which helps everyone.
- Automatically tracking estimated quarterly taxes is very helpful and it keeps it top-of mind for each month.
- Automatic mileage tracking used to work a lot better than it currently does. I got a new phone, and now I have to manually input call tracking, because it just doesn't work anymore.
- When creating invoices, there should be a way to import data into an invoices from Excel, which would make the invoicing a lot faster. Additionally, being able to press ENTER to save a line item on an invoice would be nice. Currently it doesn't work that way.
- Editing invoices shouldn't require sending a reminder.
- Overall, tagging expenses and mileage has saved me thousands in taxes, for a relatively low cost of around $8/mo.
- QuickBooks allows me to get invoices to clients quickly and accept online payments, which helps with cashflow.
- The app has stopped tracking mileage automatically on my device, so I worry that sometimes I am not tracking business miles effectively, which could end up costing me at the EOY.
Honestly, this was the only option for me when I launched my business. I didn't even look at different companies for account services, since QuickBooks Self-Employed had the features and benefits that I needed to run daily operations of my business. Eventually, I will need to upgrade to a higher-level of service, but I will stick with QuickBooks when the time comes to do that.
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