Perfect starting point for a small team running small projects.
February 15, 2017
Perfect starting point for a small team running small projects.
Score 7 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User
Overall Satisfaction with SpiraPlan
It is being used to manage internal IT projects. It is mainly being used as a requirements gathering tool. We are hoping it will get wider adoption before we expand to use its project planning features.
- Flexible requirements organisation structure. I'm able to group and sub-group requirements as I see fit.
- Competitive product pricing. Paying by active use instead of registered user was the winning point.
- UI is straightforward and easy to use.
- Access from South East Asia is rather sluggish. Could be due to server location.
- Complimentary phone app to do simple tasks (e.g. create tasks, create requirements, add comments) offline would be beneficial because access to the internet can be an issue at the customer's environment.
- Allows us to manage simple IT requirements without major upfront costs. Allows us to expand our process complexity at our own pace.
- Slow UI response from a South East Asia country can make data entry a drag.
Main differentiating factors:
1. Lightweight process
2. Plans based on active users instead of registered users.
1. Lightweight process
2. Plans based on active users instead of registered users.
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