Subject matter expert
Updated December 06, 2021
Subject matter expert

Score 10 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User
Overall Satisfaction with Syncsort Assure MIMIX
MIMIX is used by IBMi server-based organizations to provide real-time replication, typically for high availability and disaster recovery requirements. The product is designed to provide rapid planned or unplanned switches of all replicated applications and data in a quick and mostly seamless manner. The software is usually installed on replicated pairs but can also operate in multi-node environments. MIMIX allows for a granular definition of what is replicated and where it is replicated to. Bi-directional replication is supported. In addition, some organizations use the product for data propagation, such as moving real-time data to decision support-oriented applications.
- Real time replication.
- Easy switch and recovery.
- Relative ease of use and resiliency.
- Possible false sense of security for ransomware attacks.
- Reliability.
- Ease of use.
- Strong technical support.
- Successfully providing its intended use - HA/DR.
- Provides industry audit approval.
- Having an HA/DR solution in place is viewed as a positive by customers and potential customers for the marketing of the organization's core products and services.
Iterra is a less capable "little brother" product to MIMIX. Iterra like MIMIX was acquired by Vision, then subsequent owning organizations, now Precisely. Most of the original core Iterra functionality has been rolled into MIMIX. The Iterra product still exists but in a very limited role. Precisely and the previous owner has been very clear in their recommendation to standardize on MIMIX.
Do you think Precisely Assure MIMIX delivers good value for the price?
Are you happy with Precisely Assure MIMIX's feature set?
Did Precisely Assure MIMIX live up to sales and marketing promises?
Did implementation of Precisely Assure MIMIX go as expected?
Would you buy Precisely Assure MIMIX again?
Syncsort Assure MIMIX Support
Pros | Cons |
Quick Resolution Good followup Knowledgeable team Problems get solved Kept well informed No escalation required Immediate help available Support understands my problem Support cares about my success Quick Initial Response | None |
Yes. It does not make sense to purchase a high availability disaster recovery solution for seven by twenty-four mission critical applications, then to purchase or expect anything less than that same level of support.
Yes - Yes, But I am not sure it should have been refered to as a bug. Years ago, IBM released a new programming capability of which the organization was a very early adopter It was not known at the time but MIMIX had not yet built support of that new feature into its product. When the problem was identified it was determined that that support was planned for an update in approximately one year. Upon learning of the current customer issue, support got product development immediately involved. A temporary resolution for the issue was created and successfully implemented in less than a week.
This question was answered in the previous question about bug fixes. As previously stated MIMIX support quickly involved product development to provide a solution for a customer requirement which was not currently a feature of the product. This rapid resolution was accomplished in approximately one week. The agility of support and product development to quickly work together to meet a customer's need, which was clearly outside of contractual responsibility, was very impressive.
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