Data Classification is important, so select the best tool.
Overall Satisfaction with Varonis Data Security Platform
The application is used by the IT Department and is implemented enterprise wide. We use the product as a part of our defense in depth approach to cyber-security. The tool enable our enterprise to monitor PII in a way we were not able to monitor it prior. The tool also provides significant reporting tools that we use to augment our monthly security meetings.
- This tool allows us to protect sensitive data.
- It also improves our ability to maintain compliance with many different requirements.
- The tool also permits auditing capabilities that we did not have prior to its implementation.
- The tools also proactively alerts us to potential ransomware related events.
- The tool is vast and it takes a significant amount of time to tune it for your evironment.
- The report formatting is rudimentary and takes a while to get use to for staff.
- The integration to our SIEM could be better.
- The ability to work through remediation through the Varonis interface is excellent.
- The reporting options are very helpful.
- The alerting works exactly as designed.
- The administrative interface works as expected and it is easy to set up rules within the tool.
- We have identified data classifications issues that our organization was not aware of prior to the implementation.
- The tool does take a dedicated resource for it to be effective.
- Varonis has improved the speed with which we can fulfill audit requests, leaving us more time for other tasks.
- SolarWinds Access Rights Manager (ARM)
The tools does not allow easy search capabilities and auditing is a little more difficult. The tool is less expensive, but the expertise surrounding the installation and management of the tool is lacking. The reporting feature is less robust and the ability to fully understand user permissions is less sophisticated.
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