Likelihood to Recommend Great for REST API development, if you want a small, fast server that will send and receive JSON structures, CouchDB is hard to beat. Not great for enterprise-level relational database querying (no kidding). While by definition, document-oriented databases are not relational, porting or migrating from relational, and using CouchDB as a backend is probably not a wise move as it's reliable, but It may not always be highly available.
Read full review InfluxDB is very good at storing monitoring metrics (e.g. performance data). InfluxDB is not the right choice if you need to store other data types (like plain text, data relations etc.).
Read full review Pros It can replicate and sync with web browsers via PouchDB. This lets you keep a synced copy of your database on the client-side, which offers much faster data access than continuous HTTP requests would allow, and enables offline usage. Simple Map/Reduce support. The M/R system lets you process terabytes of documents in parallel, save the results, and only need to reprocess documents that have changed on subsequent updates. While not as powerful as Hadoop, it is an easy to use query system that's hard to screw up. Sharding and Clustering support. As of CouchDB 2.0, it supports clustering and sharding of documents between instances without needing a load balancer to determine where requests should go. Master to Master replication lets you clone, continuously backup, and listen for changes through the replication protocol, even over unreliable WAN links. Read full review Perfect handling telemetry data. Low latency, near real time. SQL-like language makes it easier to query. Read full review Cons NoSQL DB can become a challenge for seasoned RDBMS users. The map-reduce paradigm can be very demanding for first-time users. JSON format documents with Key-Value pairs are somewhat verbose and consume more storage. Read full review GUI based administrator console Read full review Likelihood to Renew Because our current solution S3 is working great and CouchDB was a nightmare. The worst is that at first, it seemed fine until we filled it with tons of data and then started to create views and actually delete.
Read full review InfluxDB is a near perfect product for time series database engines. The relatively small list of cons are heavily outweighed by it's ability to just work and be a very flexible and powerful database engine. The community and support provided by the corporation are the only areas I have little experience.
Read full review Usability Couchdb is very simple to use and the features are also reduced but well implemented. In order to use it the way its designed, the ui is adequate and easy. Of course, there are some other task that can't be performed through the admin ui but the minimalistic design allows you to use external libraries to develop custom scripts
Read full review Support Rating We have worked with the InfluxDB support team a few times so far and it has been positive. Issues submitted are worked on promptly and we have good feedback.
Read full review Implementation Rating it support is minimal also hw requirements. Also for development, we can have databases replicated everywhere and the replication is automagical. once you set up the security and the rules for replication, you are ready to go. The absence of a model let you build your app the way you want it
Read full review Alternatives Considered Read full review To be honest, I didn't look at alternatives since InfluxDB performs very well if you can oversee the lack of security and HA features. But for all challenges, there is an easy solution which brings you forward (e.g. read load balancing can be achieved by using a common HTTPS load balancer).
Read full review Return on Investment It has saved us hours and hours of coding. It is has taught us a new way to look at things. It has taught us patience as the first few weeks with CouchDB were not pleasant. It was not easy to pick up like MongoDB. Read full review Provided us a time series DB. With the SQL-like language, it is very easy to learn. Empowered us to keep track of our events. Read full review ScreenShots